Aug272019VideosThis is a good link for a short video to make your own soap. It is one of the 64 arts. Here is the link: Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Soft launch of Madhura Mridanga!NextNext post:Regarding re-use of clay pots for cookingRelated postsGurukula Pathyakrama- Sva-anubhava (Pedagogy in Gurukula)December 15, 2022Deity Worship Seminar – Day 3March 1, 2022Deity Worship Seminar – Day 2March 1, 2022Deity Worship Seminar – Day 1March 1, 2022KCShiksha After-school Orientation Program Oct 2021October 4, 2021KCShiksha Samskrta Saptaha – Aug 19th to Aug 25th, 2021August 22, 2021