Our Mission
“Our purpose is to Research and Document the traditional education concepts, methodology and curriculum and also to establish network, thus paving the way for reviving of traditional education in India.”

About us
"CTE" is a team of inspired individuals working with the aim of reviving Traditional Education. We believe that traditional education concepts, curriculum, and methodologies have a solution to the quagmire of complexities that exist in the society today due to lack of value education. Our proposal is no less than reviving traditional education through establishing and encouraging Vedapathashalas, Gurukulas and other such traditional models. In support of this aim, we also intend to do the following:
- To document the knowledge, techniques and methodologies related the traditional education from the domain and create a metadata.
- To widely network with the existing Vedpathashalas and Gurukulas and create a resource book and update the same.
- To research manuscripts, translate into different languages and publish them in order to reestablish the lost curriculum of traditional education.
- To conduct workshops, seminars, and conferences to advance the cause of the Traditional education.
- To popularize Sanskrit as an important medium of instruction.
- To promote and facilitate cow protection as an essential and integral part of traditional education.
"CTE" is not funded by the Government or the corporate sector. Individual donors provide Dakshina (contributions in response to our services and based on individual's capacity) to carry on with the above objectives. We greatly appreciate such contributions and in humility, we reciprocate through few schemes. It is our firm conviction that we are just the instruments in the hands of God and nothing is in our control except our honest intentions and inspired endeavors. Your participation in this journey will be exciting!
Traditional Education
Education has been an integral part of human civilization. It has shaped so many generations for thousands of years and remains doing so in our present. However, the modern ethos of capitalism, communism, socialism, Darwinism, etc., have created an unsustainable environment for fulfillment of human goal of life. We believe that the root issue is lack of proper education. Therefore, it becomes imperative to not only look into the age old tradition of education but revive it for a sustainable ‘spiritual’ as well as ‘material’ well-being of the present civilization.

Why Traditional Education?
Traditional Education is student centric, decentralized at the teacher’s level, residential, gender specific, non-institutional in its delivery of the curriculum and holistic in nature. It not only takes material positioning of the student into consideration but caters to establishment of a spiritual culture into one’s character The modern system of education does not seem have the features of the Traditional Education due to fundamental differences in its goals, purposes and desired outcomes of the education. Nor can there be a patchwork possible by attempting to include aspects of Traditional Education into modern education program. Therefore, it is essential to adopt Traditional Education exclusively in its design and methodology. The scope of Traditional Education is for the students of age group 5 to 18 yr.
Traditional Education is, therefore, back-to-basics and holistic education, addressing primary principle of life known as ‘dharma’ (dharma can be translated into English as occupational duty along with eternal duty of the soul). With education and training of performance of dharma, other threefold milestones in life which are ‘artha’ (economy), ‘kama’ [fulfillment of bare necessities of life such as ahara (eating), nidra (sleeping), bhaya (shelter) and maithuna (family)] and ‘moksha’ (liberation from the cycle of birth and death) are easily achieved.
What is the role of CTE in Traditional Education?
CTE focusses on three key areas: Research, Networking, and Training. Our research and publications have been of assistance to many. We intend to continue the on the path strong research as the foundation for our activities. We are well connected to people who are involved with Gurukulas around the world. It is our continuous effort to expand our network and outreach. Training and consultation is the ultimate purpose that we are involved with. Our training sessions and courses have benefitted many stakeholders in this movement of Traditional Education. We will continue to conduct such courses and training sessions. Like our facebook page for constant updates.
Short-term Projects (2020)
- To research and compile 3 more books in the 64 arts series
- To research and compile a book on a complete guide to Gurukula Education
- To commence the magazine “The Gurukula Times” that shall act as a platform for Gurukulas to interact
- To build a database of Gurukulas
Long-term Projects (2025)
- To complete compilations in the 64 Arts series
- To start the initial phase of construction of a Gurukula
Key Focus Areas of CTE
Curriculum Research
The source of curriculum for traditional education is Vedas. The need for research is two fold:1. To compile and present it with relevance to principles espoused in Srimad Bhagavatam.
2. To compile and present it with relevance where necessary to the current challenges of life.
3. To document and research manuscrites.
4. To systematically publish various literatures to fulfil above aims.
Our Team
We are a small crew and a growing number of volunteers and participants in the CTE family!